Wednesday, December 8, 2010

MINNTAC Water Diversion Project or Water Inventory Reduction Project or whatever it’s called these days.

From: David Holmbeck
Sent: Wed, December 8, 2010 11:14:23 AM
Subject: Dark River and MNTAC___ 1st letter

Date: October 25, 2010

To: John Thomas


525 Lake Avenue S.

Suite 400

Duluth MN 55802

Subject: MINNTAC Water Diversion Project or Water Inventory Reduction Project or whatever it’s

called these days.

Mr. Thomas:

This letter is a follow-up to a phone conversation that we had a few days ago, the purpose of which was to find out who is the Project Manager and also to get an update on the status of the project. Imagine my surprise to learn that there is no Project Manager, the West Two Rivers Option is off the table, some people seem to be getting preferential treatment over others, MINNTAC seems to be running the show and I, as an original commenter on this project, was never notified of any of this (and who knows what else).

Therefore, the Dark River Basin Association (DRBA) and I would like a complete accounting of what has gone on with this project since November 30, 2006 which was the date of the last public meeting that we were notified of (and that I attended) at your Duluth office. This includes who was involved, why they were involved, copies of any permits that have been issued or applied for and any data used.

You stated that there is a “seepage and return” pumping station at seep 30 ( Sandy River ) because “the tribes are concerned about the wild rice”. What are these concerns based on? Water chemistry? Water levels? Water temps? All of the above? None of the above? Other factors? What is this system supposed to accomplish and/or mitigate? Was anyone else notified of this decision? Were there any public meetings or public comment? And why this special treatment for wild rice when the sulfate concentrations at seep 20 ( Dark River ) are higher than seep 30 and the mercury levels in Dark Lake have “accumulated in the sediments of the lake at rates approximately 3-fold higher than typical background for area lakes. Dark Lake also has some of the highest mercury content in fishes in the county” (MINNTAC EIS).

You also stated that the West Two Rivers Option won’t be pursued. Who made this decision, when and on what basis was it made? And once again, why wasn’t I, an original commenter notified? And yes we know that there was a no-build and other options. Still, why all the secrecy? Up until November 30, 2006 everything was up-front and public and then silence for 4 years. But it seems that some have access and been kept informed and others have not.

Thanks for your time

Dennis Good President

Dark River Basin Association

Cc: Jeff Udd

Paul Eger

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