Wednesday, December 8, 2010

MINNTAC Water Diversion Project or Water Inventory Reduction Project or whatever it’s called these days.

From: David Holmbeck
Sent: Wed, December 8, 2010 11:14:23 AM
Subject: Dark River and MNTAC___ 1st letter

Date: October 25, 2010

To: John Thomas


525 Lake Avenue S.

Suite 400

Duluth MN 55802

Subject: MINNTAC Water Diversion Project or Water Inventory Reduction Project or whatever it’s

called these days.

Mr. Thomas:

This letter is a follow-up to a phone conversation that we had a few days ago, the purpose of which was to find out who is the Project Manager and also to get an update on the status of the project. Imagine my surprise to learn that there is no Project Manager, the West Two Rivers Option is off the table, some people seem to be getting preferential treatment over others, MINNTAC seems to be running the show and I, as an original commenter on this project, was never notified of any of this (and who knows what else).

Therefore, the Dark River Basin Association (DRBA) and I would like a complete accounting of what has gone on with this project since November 30, 2006 which was the date of the last public meeting that we were notified of (and that I attended) at your Duluth office. This includes who was involved, why they were involved, copies of any permits that have been issued or applied for and any data used.

You stated that there is a “seepage and return” pumping station at seep 30 ( Sandy River ) because “the tribes are concerned about the wild rice”. What are these concerns based on? Water chemistry? Water levels? Water temps? All of the above? None of the above? Other factors? What is this system supposed to accomplish and/or mitigate? Was anyone else notified of this decision? Were there any public meetings or public comment? And why this special treatment for wild rice when the sulfate concentrations at seep 20 ( Dark River ) are higher than seep 30 and the mercury levels in Dark Lake have “accumulated in the sediments of the lake at rates approximately 3-fold higher than typical background for area lakes. Dark Lake also has some of the highest mercury content in fishes in the county” (MINNTAC EIS).

You also stated that the West Two Rivers Option won’t be pursued. Who made this decision, when and on what basis was it made? And once again, why wasn’t I, an original commenter notified? And yes we know that there was a no-build and other options. Still, why all the secrecy? Up until November 30, 2006 everything was up-front and public and then silence for 4 years. But it seems that some have access and been kept informed and others have not.

Thanks for your time

Dennis Good President

Dark River Basin Association

Cc: Jeff Udd

Paul Eger

EAW for the MINNTAC Mine

Date: December 1, 2010

To: Bill Johnson

MNDNR Natural Resources Dept.

Box 25

500 Lafayette Rd.

St. Paul MN 55155-4025

Subject: EAW for the MINNTAC Mine

Dear Mr. Johnson:

It has come to our attention from MNDNR staff that an EAW is being prepared concerning some aspect of the MINNTAC iron ore mine in St. Louis Co. MN. Since our association and individual members were commenters on the MINNTAC Water Diversion Project (2001-2006) in which the MPCA was the RGU, we would like to be put on the EAW Distribution List and be notified of any public meetings, public comment periods, etc. Since we learned about this only recently, we would also like to know what this EAW is all about, the scoping issues discussed, etc.

Thanks for your time

Dennis Good President

Dark River Basin Association

Alan L. Maki
58891 County Road 13
Warroad, Minnesota 56763

Phone: 218-386-2432
Cell Phone: 651-587-5541


Check out my Blog:

Subject: Dark River Restoration Project, St. Louis Co. MN


Thank you for calling me today. You were correct---there was a third letter I tried to send you today, but failed, This is the one you need to read. We citizens have been fighting the MNDNR on the Dark River project for four years.

David G,.Holmbeck
Grand Rapids, MN


Date: December 1, 2010

To: Larry Kramka

Assistant Commissioner MNDNR

500 Lafayette Road

St. Paul MN 55155-4037

Subject: Dark River Restoration Project, St. Louis Co. MN

Mr. Kramka:

As promised, we are sending another letter to you so that it will be part of the public record. Our next few letters concerning the Dark River fiasco will be to Governor Mark Dayton’s newly appointed MNDNR Commissioner. For the past four years, we citizens have alleged numerous violations of NEPA, MEPA, WCA, CWA and other MNDNR guidance documents associated with the Dark River Restoration Project. Besides the many missteps by MNDNR staff throughout the project planning process, our allegations include falsification of data and MNDNR trespassing on private property without easements to do work in public waters on private lands. We want to make sure that the new administration knows that you and the upper management of the MNDNR haven’t honestly and openly dealt with the Dark River fiasco. Instead, MNDNR upper management passed the buck on to the next Commissioner to deal with. Your actions have convinced us citizens that even though a few MNDNR staff misled your agency, state legislators and the public, MNDNR upper management is ultimately responsible for the Dark River fiasco. For example, blaming the USFS for not getting their EA done by December 31, 2010 and the October 5, 2010 letter from MNDNR Regional Director Craig Engwall to us appearing to whitewash and justify the MNDNR’s actions. Blaming the USFS and saying St. Louis Co. and the USACE thought your agency’s actions were o.k. is irresponsible by the MNDNR. Your transparency and standards should be higher than you have shown. By deflecting your agency’s environmental responsibilities, you have done a disservice to the majority of dedicated MNDNR staff by ignoring harmful impacts already done (and proposed) on the Dark River by a few employees. This will make it harder for other honest, thoughtful and legitimate natural resource projects submitted by the majority of hard-working MNDNR staff to get funding. With the state’s finances and the present political climate being what they are, projects like this and the agencies involved will be easy targets for cuts. We estimate that, among all the project co-operators, there has been close to $ 1 million dollars of staff time spent on pre-project work and planning. What a shame! Co-operating agencies have wasted this much money on the project and then it’s withdrawn because “The USFS could not complete their EA by December 1, 2010 ”. Rather than listening to all the red flags and warnings from the public, some MNDNR staff, some USACE staff and some USF&WS staff and admit to the illegal filling of wetlands, violating public waters rules, etc., MNDNR upper management tried to cover up agency mistakes.

We also allege that your agency deceived NGO co-operators like Trout Unlimited (TU) and others. MNDNR Fisheries and MNDNR Ecological Resources have willingly fallen under the spell of Rosgen theories and “Build it and they will come” theories. By dangling the lure of more trout for angler’s enjoyment, human damage everywhere, hiring an outside consultant to make it all look and sound more plausible and going out on the road to promote this dire picture of the Dark River, it’s no wonder that the NGO’s were duped.

We also allege that your staff harmed trout waters and groundwater discharge wetlands--the very things that they proposed to enhance and that agencies such as St. Louis Co., BWSR and the USACE whitewashed the adverse wetland and stream impacts to protect the current MNDNR Administration and Commissioner. Could the average citizen get away with this?

Sadly, your agency directed the wasteful killing of beaver without clear purpose and need. Had MNDNR Fisheries performed a review of the Dark River project by the Eveleth-Hibbing Area IRM Team, MNDNR Forestry and MNDNR Wildlife staff would have given proper peer review of the project and avoided the wanton waste of beaver (and money). Clearly, the beaver control on the Dark River was not done in an “ecological context” and with little regard for their positive contributions to the stream.

By the way, we are glad to see that MNDNR Ecological Resources canceled their annual Stream Health and Restoration Workshops for 2010. We believe that the voodoo science emanating from these workshops is what led to the Dark River fiasco in the first place. We hope that you also believe this by now and permanently cancel them. We will be sending letters supporting our allegations about Rosgen theories in the near future.

Finally, we want to add that the recent November, 2010 Minneapolis Tribune article about MPCA mid-level staff alleging a cozy relationship between ethanol plant and mining proposers and MPCA upper management to grease the skids for permits. This “wink and a nod” easy permitting process reminds us of what MNDNR, BWSR and other agencies have done to MNDNR violators on the Dark River .

Thanks for your time

Dennis Good President

Dark River Basin Association

Cc: Tim Pawlenty Shawn Johnson

Mark Dayton Jim Sanders

Craig Engwall LSHOC Members

Mark Holsten

Dave Schad

Jeff Ruch

John Kolb

Steve Hirsch

John Jaschke

Dave Dill

Tony Cornish

John Lenczewski

Rod Prusi